Purchasing platform

Significant equity stakes / Change in shareholding

Legal basis (selected in ESPI): Article 70 Item 1 of the Act on Offerings – acquisition or disposal of a significant equity stake

The Management Board of PKP CARGO S.A. (“Company”) reports that on 18 August 2016 it received a notification from MetLife PTE S.A. in connection with Article 69 Section 1 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on Public Offerings and the Terms and Conditions for Introducing Financial Instruments to an Organized Trading System and on Public Companies (Journal of Laws 05.184.1539 as amended). In this notification MetLife PTE S.A. reports that the MetLife Open-end Pension Fund it manages (hereinafter referred to as “OPF”) has increased its exposure to above 5% of the total number of votes in PKP CARGO S.A.

Its exposure exceeded 5% as a result of the purchase of shares in PKP CARGO S.A. on 10 August 2016. Directly before the change in its shareholding OPF held 2,162,347 shares, representing 4.83% of the share capital of PKP CARGO S.A. giving it the right to 2,162,347 votes at the shareholder meeting, representing 4.83% of the total number of votes at the shareholder meeting of PKP CARGO S.A.

At present, OPF holds 2,494,938 shares, representing 5.57% of the share capital of PKP CARGO S.A. giving it the right to 2,494,938 votes at the shareholder meeting, representing 5.57% of the total number of votes at the shareholder meeting of PKP CARGO S.A.

Legal basis:
Article 70 Item 1 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on Public Offerings and the Terms and Conditions for Introducing Financial Instruments to an Organized Trading System and on Public Companies (Journal of Laws 2013, Item 1382).