Purchasing platform

Notification of submission of statements of claim to prevent a general strike

Legal basis (selected in ESPI): Article 56 Section 5 of the Act on Offering – update

With reference to Current Report No. 56/2015 of 30 October 2015, the Management Board of PKP CARGO S.A. (“Company”) hereby announces that in connection with the commencement of the general rolling strike announced by the trade union organizations active in the Company for 9 November 2015, the Company and the employers acting on the Company’s behalf filed claims to ascertain non-existence of collective disputes in the Company’s individual plants and on the level of the entire Company. The above claims were filed because, in the opinion of the Company’s Management Board, the manner in which the collective dispute was conducted by the trade union organizations active in the Company was unlawful; inter alia, the prerequisites specified in the Act on Resolution of Collective Disputes of 23 May 1991 (Journal of Laws 1991 No. 55, Item 236) to conduct a lawful dispute were not satisfied and there was no lawful strike referendum carried out. These statements of claim comprise also petitions for injunctive relief in the form of prohibiting an industrial action until the claims of the statements of claim are resolved.

Legal basis:
Article 56 Section 5 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on Public Offering and the Terms and Conditions for Introducing Financial Instruments to an Organized Trading System and on Public Companies (Journal of Laws of 2013 Item 1382).