Purchasing platform

Motion of Trade Unions to dismiss a staff representative from the position of Member of the Management Board

The Management Board of PKP CARGO S.A. w restrukturyzacji (in restructuring) (the “Company”, “Issuer”) hereby announces that today the Company received, in accordance with §15 section 6 of the “Regulations for conducting elections of candidates for employee representatives to the Management Board of PKP CARGO S.A. and employee representatives to the Supervisory Board of PKP CARGO S.A. and the procedure for their dismissal”, a motion from the Trade Unions addressed to the Supervisory Board of the Issuer to dismiss Mr. Zenon Kozendra – a representative of the staff – from the Management Board of the Company.

In the justification of the motion, the Trade Unions stated that Mr. Zenon Kozendra had demonstrated many years of passivity as a Member of the Management Board in terms of appropriate management of the Company and a lack of taking any action in the implementation of the Company’s recovery programs submitted to the Management Board of PKP CARGO S.A. at the request of the Trade Unions.

The motion in question was supported by 3,108 signatures of the Company’s employees.

In accordance with § 25 section 3 item 4 of the Company’s Articles of Association, the Supervisory Board is competent to appoint and dismiss a Member of the Management Board from among the candidates presented by the employees.