Purchasing platform

Appointment of a Management Board Member – Employee Representative to the PKP CARGO S.A. Management Board

Legal basis (selected in ESPI): Article 56 Section 1 Item 2 of the Act on Offerings – current and periodic information

The Management Board of PKP CARGO S.A. (“Company”, “PKP CARGO”) reports that on 14 July 2016, after conducting the election procedure for the employee representative in the PKP CARGO Management Board, the Company’s Supervisory Board adpoted a resolution to appoint Mr. Zenon Kozendra, the candidate nominated to be the employee representative in the PKP CARGO Management Board as of 14 July 2016.

Mr. Zenon Kozendra is a graduate of the Higher School of Public Administration in Kielce. He completed postgraduate studies in the organization of management at the Kozminski Academy.

THe has been associated with PKP CARGO since 1985. From 2005 to 2008 Mr. Zenon Kozendra was the Management Board Member responsible for Employee and Administrative Affairs and from 2008 he was the Management Board’s Plenipotentiary responsible for Personnel Strategy.

Mr. Zenon Kozendra was a member of the PKP CARGO Supervisory Board from 2001 to 2005 and a Management Board Member of the Trade Union of Rail Employers from 2006 to 2008. In addition, Mr. Zenon Kozendra has served in the supervisory boards of companies such as:

– PKP CARGOSERVICE SP. Z O.O. – as the Supervisory Board Chairman from 2006 to 2007,

– PKP CARGO WAGON Kraków – as the Supervisory Board Chairman from 2007 to 2008,

– PKP CARGO TABOR Karsznice Sp. z o.o. – as a Supervisory Board Member from 2010 to 2014,

– PKP S.A. as a Supervisory Board member from 2014 to 2016.

According to his declaration, Mr. Zenon Kozendra does not conduct activity competitive to that of the Company and is not involved in any competing company as a partner in a civil law company or partnership or as a member of a corporate body of a capital company or participate in another competing legal person as a member of its corporate body. Nor is he listed in the Insolvent Debtor Register kept pursuant to the KRS Act.

At the same time, Mr. Zenon Kozendra has tendered his resignation from serving as a Supervisory Board Member in PKP S.A. and a Member of the Executive Committee and the Secretary of the Supervisory Board of the NSZZ “Solidarność” Trade Section in PKP CARGO S.A.

The PKP CARGO Management Board consists of the following persons as of 14 July 2016:

1. Mr. Maciej Andrzej Libiszewski – President of the Management Board
2. Mr. Arkadiusz Paweł Olewnik – Management Board Member responsible for Finance,
3. Mr. Jarosław Klasa – Management Board Member responsible for Operations
4. Mr. Grzegorz Fingas – Management Board Member responsible for Trade,
5. Mr. Zenon Kozendra – Management Board Member, Employee Representative

Legal basis:
§ 5 Section 1 Item 22 of the Finance Minister’s Regulation of 19 February 2009 on the Current and Periodic Information Transmitted by Securities Issuers and the Conditions for Recognizing the Information Required by the Regulations of a Non-Member State as Equivalent (Journal of Laws of 2014 Item 133).