Purchasing platform

Allocation of series C shares of the company PKP CARGO S.A.

General legal basis (selected in ESPI): art. 56 sec. 1 item 1 of the Act on Public Offering – confidential information

The Management Board of PKP CARGO S.A. („Company”) hereby informs, that today i.e. 7 March 2014 it adopted the resolution on the allotment of series C ordinary registered shares of the Company with a nominal value of PLN 50 (fifty zlotys) each („Employee Shares”). The Employee Shares were allotted in a process of public offering conducted pursuant to Company’s information memorandum prepared in accordance with Art. 39 in connection with Art. 7 par. 8 item 2) of the Act of 29 July, 2005 on public offering and the conditions for introducing financial instruments to the organized trading system, and on public companies (Journal of Laws No. 184 of 2005, item 1539).

Pursuant to the aforementioned resolution, 1.448.902 (one million four hundred forty eight thousand nine hundred two) series C ordinary registered shares of the Company were allocated.

Legal basis: Art. 56 sec. 1 item 1 of the Act of 29 July, 2005 on public offering and the conditions for introducing financial instruments to the organized trading system, and on public companies (Journal of Laws No. 184 of 2005, item 1539).