- A strong brand known for rail freight.
- Freight licences in nine European countries.
- Regional leadership (PL market) in bulk freight: PKP CARGO is a leader in bulk freight, which gives the company control over a significant part of the market in this segment.
- The largest rolling stock fleet in the CEE region.
- Specialised rolling stock: Specialised wagons and locomotives required for transporting different types of goods.
- Diversity of transport: The ability to transport a variety of goods, including intermodal transport, which enables adaptation to changing market needs.
- Readiness of organisational structures for foreign expansion (PKP International):
- International cooperation, for example in Romania and Serbia.
- Terminal infrastructure: resources in various key locations in Poland.

PKP CARGO – a good investment
The identified strengths of the PKP CARGO Group and numerous development opportunities make the company’s shares an attractive option for diversifying an investment portfolio.
- Development of intermodal transport: the trend towards increased intermodal transport represents an opportunity for the company, particularly in terms of improving efficiency.
- Implementing green strategies: European and governmental green and Green Deal initiatives can create opportunities for the company to upgrade and expand its rolling stock to new standards.
- Sustainable mobility: increasing environmental awareness may encourage customers to use rail instead of road transport.
- Development of international cooperation: continuing cooperation with foreign partners – especially in the Three Seas region countries.
- Efficient management of resources: focusing on the efficient management of resources, such as rolling stock and infrastructure, can bring benefits in the form of reduced costs and improved productivity.
- Financial support from EU funds: access to EU funds can help modernise the company’s fleet and infrastructure.
- Diversification of revenue sources: implementation of a strategy to diversify revenue sources.
- The last mile: the offer of comprehensive d2d transport can increase the attractiveness of PKP CARGO.
- Construction of new terminals: good terminal locations and the offer of services around transport can increase the competitiveness of PKP CARGO – the network of aerial connections.
- Expansion: the growing importance of the Three Seas region in international trade.