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PKP CARGO Group’s strategy has been defined for 2019–2023. Significant changes in the social, market and especially geopolitical environment caused an urgent need to update it. As a result, the “Revised PKP CARGO Group Strategy for 2019–2023” was adopted in 2022.

The “Revision of the PKP CARGO Group Strategy for 2019–2023” confirms the Group’s existing vision and mission, modifying the strategic objectives:

Becoming a Central European leader in rail freight by achieving a dominant position in the Three Seas region and on the New Silk Road.

Providing a comprehensive logistics service in the freight and intermodal services market leading to a first choice position.

1 position in the Three Seas region and on the New Silk Road routes within the EU in terms of workload and cargo carried until 2023 and strengthening the position between 2023 and 2038.

50% share in the Polish rail freight market by 2027 in terms of freight shipped.

The strategic initiatives listed below are a continuation and expansion of activities that are already underway.

They are focused on strengthening the PKP CARGO Group internally to enable it to regain its share in the domestic market in the following years and take the lead in building efficient logistics in the Three Seas region.

Considering sustainability in a strategic context, the Group takes into account such factors as:

The integration of the region, e.g. through the concept of the Three Seas and the New Silk Road, directly affects new business development prospects, which the PKP CARGO Group has been capitalising on for years. Therefore, the Company focuses mainly on investments in intermodal transport that contribute to opening up business relations with the Far East, bringing together the economies within the region. For the Group, they are an opportunity to diversify its revenue portfolio.

Currently, owing to PKP CARGO Group’s logistics services, around 2.9 million tonnes of CO2 less ends up in the atmosphere per year. The benefit of offering low carbon footprint logistics services means entirely new business opportunities and enables us to address the challenges related to global climate change.