Purchasing platform

Changes to the composition of the PKP CARGO S.A. Management Board

Legal basic (selected in ESPI):
Article 56 Section 1 Item 2 of the Act on Offerings – current and periodic information

The Management Board of PKP CARGO S.A. (“Company”, “PKP CARGO”) reports that the Company’s Supervisory Board at the meeting held on 31 July 2017 adopted a resolution to dismiss Mr. Jarosław Klasa from the function of PKP CARGO S.A. Management Board Member responsible for Operations effective as of 31 July 2017.

The resolution dismissing Mr. Jarosław Klasa from the composition of the Company’s Management Board does not specify the reasons for the dismissal.

As a result of the changes, the Management Board is composed of the following persons:

  1. Mr. Maciej Libiszewski – President of the Management Board
  2. Mr. Arkadiusz Olewnik – Management Board Member responsible for Finance
  3. Mr. Grzegorz Fingas – Management Board Member responsible for Trade
  4. Mr. Zenon Kozendra – Management Board Member, Employee Representative

Legal basic:
Article 17 Section 1 of Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Market Abuse.