Purchasing platform

Appointment of PKP CARGO S.A. Management Board Members

Legal basis (selected in ESPI):
Article 56 Section 1 Item 2 of the Act on Offerings – current and periodic information

The Management Board of PKP CARGO S.A. (“Company”, “PKP CARGO”) hereby reports that following a recruitment procedure, on 27 May 2019, the Company’s Supervisory Board adopted a resolution to appoint the following persons to the PKP CARGO Management Board for the joint 7th term of office:

– Czesław Warsewicz to the position of President of the Management Board

– Leszek Borowiec to the position of Management Board Member in charge of Finance

– Grzegorz Fingas to the position of Management Board Member in charge of Commerce

– Witold Bawor to the position of Management Board Member in charge of Operations

– Zenon Kozendra to the position of Management Board Member – Employee Representative

The Supervisory Board made a decision on the commencement of the recruitment procedure on 21 January 2019 by Resolution No. 1805/VI/2019.

Information on the education, qualifications and professional careers of the newly appointed Management Board members is presented in attachments to this current report.

At the same time, the Company’s Management Board hereby reports that, according to their declarations:

– Czesław Warsewicz
– Leszek Borowiec
– Grzegorz Fingas
– Witold Bawor
– Zenon Kozendra

do not conduct any activity competitive to that of the Company and are not involved in any competing company as a partner in a civil law company, partnership or capital company or participate in another competing legal person as a member of its corporate body. Nor are they listed in the Insolvent Debtor Register kept pursuant to the KRS Act.

Legal basis:
5 Section 5 of the Regulation issued by the Finance Minister on 29 March 2018 on the Current and Periodic Information Transmitted by Securities Issuers and the Conditions for Recognizing the Information Required by the Regulations of a Non-Member State as Equivalent (Journal of Laws of 2018, Item 757).