Purchasing platform

Changes in the composition of the PKP CARGO S.A. Management Board

The Management Board of PKP CARGO S.A. (“Company”) reports that the Company’s Supervisory Board adopted the following resolutions on 22 April 2022 as a result of the executive recruitment procedure it conducted:

1) resolution no. 37/VII/2022 to appoint Mr. Jacek Rutkowski to the PKP CARGO S.A. Management Board entrusting him with the function of being the Management Board Member in charge of Commerce as of 25 April 2022;

2) resolution no. 39/VII/2022 to appoint Mr. Maciej Jankiewicz to the PKP CARGO S.A. Management Board entrusting him with the function of being the Management Board Member in charge of Finance as of 25 April 2022.

According to the submitted declarations, Mr. Jacek Rutkowski and Mr. Maciej Jankiewicz do not conduct any activity competitive to that of the Company and are not involved in any competing company as a partner in a civil law company, partnership or capital company nor do they participate in another competing legal person as a member of its corporate body; neither of them is listed in the Insolvent Debtor Register kept pursuant to the KRS Act.

Information on the education, qualifications and career of the newly appointed Management Board Member in charge of Commerce and of the Management Board Member in charge of Finance is presented in attachments to this current report.

At present, the Company’s Management Board is now composed of the following persons:

1) Dariusz Seliga – President of the Management Board,

2) Marek Olkiewicz – Management Board Member in charge of Operations,

3) Maciej Jankiewicz – Management Board Member in charge of Finance,

4) Jacek Rutkowski – Management Board Member in charge of Commerce,

5) Zenon Kozendra – Management Board Member, Employee Representative.

Legal basis:
§ 5 Item 5 of the Finance Minister’s Regulation of 29 March 2018 on the current and periodic information transmitted by securities issuers and the conditions for recognizing the information required by the regulations of a non-member state as equivalent (Journal of Laws of 2014 Item 133, as amended).