Transactions on shares of the company PKP CARGO S.A.
Legal basis (selected in ESPI): Art. 160 sec. 4 of Act on Trading in Financial Instruments – information about transactions by persons having access to confidential information
The Management Board of PKP CARGO S.A. (“Company”, “Issuer”) hereby informs about transactions on Company’s shares concluded by Mr. Jakub Karnowski, Chairman of the Issuer’s Supervisory Board in calendar year 2013, whose total value did not exceed the amount of EUR 5 000, calculated based on the average exchange rate announced by the National Bank of Poland, prevailing on the day of transaction:
- On 25 October 2013, Mr. Jakub Karnowski purchased 245 shares of the Company at a price of PLN 68.00 per share. The shares were acquired in the process of public offering conducted pursuant to Company’s prospectus approved by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority on October 4, 2013.
Legal basis: Art. 160 sec. 4 of Act on Trading in Financial Instruments – information about transactions by persons having access to confidential information in connection with §2 sec. 5 of Regulation of the Minister of Finance, dated 15 November 2005 on the disclosure of information on certain transactions in financial instruments and principles of making a list of people who have access to confidential information (Journal of Laws 2005 no. 229 item 1950 as amended).