Purchasing platform

Filing of applications for the admission and introduction to trading on the regulated market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange of series A and B shares of PKP CARGO S.A.

General legal basis (selected in ESPI): Other regulations

The Management Board of PKP CARGO S.A. („Company”) hereby informs that applications have been filed to the Warsaw Stock Exchange (“GPW”) for the admission and introduction to trading on the primary regulated market of:

  1. 43.338.000 ordinary shares of series A of the Company with a nominal value of PLN 50 each, and
  2. 15 ordinary bearer shares of series B of the Company with a nominal value of PLN 50 each, marked by the Central Securities Depository of Poland (“KDPW”) with code PLPKPCR00011 („Shares subject to applications”).

The date proposed in the application for the introduction to trading on the regulated market and the first listing of the Shares subject to applications is October 30th, 2013.

The date of introduction to trading on the regulated market and the first listing of the Shares subject to applications will depend on the decision of the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange and will be communicated to the public in a resolution issued by the WSE Management.

Legal basis: Regulations of the Stock Exchange §9 clause 1