Purchasing platform

Information about the selling price of Shares Offered, ultimate number of Shares Offered in the Public Offering and number of Shares Offered to selected categories of investors

General legal basis (chosen in ESPI): art. 56 sec. 1 item 1 of the Act on Public Offering – confidential information

The management board of PKP CARGO S.A. („Company”) pursuant to art. 54 section 3 of the Law on public offering and conditions of introduction of financial instruments into the organized trading system and on public companies, announces the information about the selling price of Shares Offered, ultimate number of Shares Offered in the Public Offering and number of Shares Offered to selected categories of investors.

Legal basis: art. 54 sec. 3 of the Act of 29 July, 2005 on public offering and conditions of introduction of financial instruments into the organized trading system and on public companies (Journal of Laws, 2005, no.184, item 1539). Information about the price and number of shares is attached to the report.